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Why Do Bathroom Tiles Crack? How To Fix This Issue?

By Tileswale

After a long day, everyone enjoys a warm and relaxing bath. The bathroom may not be an aesthetically pleasing feature to display, but it is unquestionably an important part of one's daily life. The type of tiles used in a bathroom determines the majority of its utility and beauty. These tiles are subjected to wear and tear over time. The polish wears off, the grout disappears, or, worst of all, the tiles crack in half.

This article will answer your questions like:

  • Why are my bathroom tiles cracking?

  • Reasons why tiles crack in the bathroom.

  • How to fix cracked tiles in the bathroom?

But first, let's take a look at why tile cracking in the bathroom is such a big deal. It causes a variety of problems, including cracks that allow water to enter the layer beneath the tiles, damaging the shower fittings, wall structures, and remaining tiles. It could also be a mould or bacteria problem, rendering the hygiene facility of a bathroom completely unsanitary.

Why Do Bathroom Tiles Crack?

Cracked tiles are typically the result of other core problems, most notably improper installation. However, it could also be due to extreme temperature changes, cracks in the substrate (or the surface on which the tile is laid), supporting too much weight, or something as simple as a heavy object being dropped on them. Most of the reasons why tiles crack in the bathroom are mentioned below:

  1. Inappropriate installation

  2. Inadequate Tile Adhesive Application

  3. Heavy objects are kept for a longer period.

  4. Wearing out as a result of the hot weather

  5. Insufficient grouting, resulting in hollow gaps

If you notice a crack or cracks in your bathroom tiles, the best option is to act quickly by repairing it yourself or contacting an expert to prevent the problem from worsening.

How to fix cracked tile in the bathroom

With a good knowledge of how and why tiles crack, it's time to think about how to repair them. In most cases, tile cracks can be repaired without replacing the entire floor. To repair minor hairline cracks on the tile surface, you can certainly use an epoxy filler. Larger, more visible cracks may necessitate tile removal and replacement. Below are the steps to understand how to fix a large crack into your bathroom tile:

  1. Remove the grout from around the tile edge of the affected tiles with a special grout scraper. 

  2. Place an old towel over the cracked tile and smack it in the center with a lump hammer. By removing the grout and smashing the tile from the center rather than trying to pry it out from the side, you avoid stressing and damaging the surrounding tiles.

  3. Using a chisel and hammer, remove the shards of broken tiles and chip out the remaining pieces that are stuck down.

  4. Remove any remaining grout and adhesive from the substrate with the chisel and hammer, and then sweep it out to remove all debris.

  5. Utilising a notched trowel, apply a small amount of tile adhesive to the underside of the tile. To avoid air pockets after the adhesive has been set, make sure you completely cover the surface.

  6. Place the new tile carefully in the center of the hole and gently press it into place, making sure the new tile lines up with the existing ones and is completely flat. Once in place, allow the adhesive to dry completely.

  7. Finally, fill in the gaps between the new tiles until they are filled. Then, remove any excess grout and let it dry overnight. After that, simply wipe down the surface to remove any grout residue, and you're done.

Tips To Avoid This Problem

It's critical to keep your tiles from cracking. Tileswale is here to share some interesting tips that you can use to reduce the chances of your bathroom tiles breaking in the future.

The Tileswale Tips

  1. First and foremost, make certain that you purchase high-quality tiles (preferably from Tileswale)

  2. Tile installation must be precise and proper.

  3. The tile adhesive used in the installation process should be water-resistant and of high quality, with a long hold on tiles.

  4. You should consider anti-fracture membranes if you want to avoid cracks. These are rolls of material that allow the subfloor to shift beneath the tile without causing the tile to bend and crack.

  5. Avoid impacting such tiles with a heavy object beyond its weight capacity and try to keep the bathroom tiles clean.


Final Words:

Tiles crack for a variety of reasons. Remember the reasons explained in this article, and if your bathroom tiles crack, you can always hire a tile expert to repair them for you, or you can follow the procedure outlined above.

When it comes to cracks or wear and tear in the tiles, the only preventative measure is to buy high-quality tiles in the first place. Tileswale can assist you with this, as it has 15000+ varieties and over 35000+ suppliers, ensuring that you make the best possible purchase.

Article Updated - May 02, 2022

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1. 10 Best Tiles For Shower
2. Can You Paint Tiles In Bathroom?
3. Small Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

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