The ceramic tile is tested and classified, so choosing quality ceramic floor tile comes down to picking the right combination of grade, water absorption, friction and frost ratings. Our entire product line is categorized according to its personality and set according to their features, shades and finish. In fact, consumers can see how many tiles will fit into a container and how many boxes of that particular tile.
Each Tile that is listed undergoes rigorous process and testing; they comprise majorly of natural clay, feldspar, grog, rock and other granular elements. The raw materials are screened and then watered. They are treated under very temperature, and dry pressed to remove any moisture residues. Later on, the color is added. Once completed, they are subject to the quality control tests of Domestic and International standards and criteria.
The Ceramic grades signify the categorization and measurement of tile durability and scratch resistance. The various data accumulated from quality control methods are used during production operations as stated above to determine the precision of these tile grades.
The quality of Ceramic tile is also ensured for its resistance to water. Ceramic tiles undergo a water absorption test using criteria defined by the AMSTM in which the tile is treated with water and then weighed to measure the weight of their water absorption compared with their dry weight. The absorption of water is transformed into a percentage, and tiles are classified in different categories. Non-Vitreous is the term used for the greatest absorption rates of tiles: 7 percent is taken in water and 3 to 7 percent is taken up in semi-vitreous tiles. The suggested outdoor and bathroom facilities are vitreous tile with an absorption rate of 0.5 to 3% and impermeable tile with an absorbance rate below 0.5%, due of the greater air humidity and more exposure to water.
The slip rating is used to describe how slippery the tile is, generally called the coefficient of friction (COF). This is another consideration, especially if you're looking for floor tiles for usage in a bathroom or any other high-humidity area.
All the tiles are tested for Frost resistance grade which shows the capacity of the ceramic tile to survive freezing and thaw. The porosity and water absorption level of the tile are determined.
Take into consideration the above criteria and the ISO and AMSTM or other international certification for necessary requirement such as sampling, surface quality, water absorption, dimensions, density, modulus of breaking strength, impact resistance, thermal expansion, thermal shock, moisture expansion, frost resistance, chemical resistance, classification and markings etc. Always choose tiles for their intended application and study the small print according to requirements, to best evaluate the quality of ceramic floor tiles.