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Advance Level Tips To Maintain Porcelain Tiles - Expert Advise

By Tileswale

Porcelain tiles are very durable, attractive tiles. They do not require much care to maintain them, but they do require some maintenance. Here are five tips on how to use porcelain tiles in your home or business.

Ways To Maintain Porcelain TIles

If you are porcelain tiles user then here are some advance level tips that will help you to maintain your porcelain tiles flooring. Just follow tips and take more advantages:

1. Keep It Clean:

The most important thing you can do with a porcelain tile is keep it clean. As a result, you should always make sure to clean up any spills immediately because spilled liquids will stain if they sit for too long on a tile surface. With that said, when cleaning, it is important that you follow manufacturers’ instructions closely when using soap or other cleaning agents because many cleaning agents will damage a tile surface when used incorrectly. If you have never cleaned a porcelain tile before, consider practicing on an old or spare tile first so that you can see what results to expect from different cleaners before starting work on your prized tiles. In general, avoid abrasive sponges as these could potentially scratch a smooth porcelain surface as well as avoid high-pressure cleaners as these might also discolor or mark your beautiful flooring. After your cleaning session is complete, be sure to rinse out anything you used for washing purposes such as mops and towels thoroughly so that there is no residual residue left behind which could then get tracked onto carpeted areas below or into other porous surfaces such as kitchen countertops.

2. Know Your Product:

To get your money’s worth out of your porcelain tiles, you need to understand them and know what you are buying. First of all, ask about where your tile was made and under what conditions since one day you may want to sell it or move it to another area in your home or business. Second, learn about proper installation methods since faulty installation can leave permanent marks on even high quality porcelain products. And finally, talk about replacement options in case something happens during installation process which damages a few of your tiles permanently making them unsuitable for their current purpose.

3. Store Your Tiles Properly:

Once you buy your new porcelain tiles, consider storing them properly until you are ready to install them. Some people put new tiles on top of cabinets or tables so that dust does not settle on them while others put their product in storage bags to protect it from moisture, dirt and pets. Whatever works best for you is fine since all types of storage will help prolong your new purchase’s life expectancy.

4. Be Careful When You Arrange Them:

Do not rush through installing porcelain tiles. Take your time and arrange them correctly because doing so now means less hassle later on when you realize that things just aren’t working out right. For example, place larger tiles around outlets first before finishing off borders at edges with smaller ones otherwise outlets will stick out like sore thumbs later on after everything has been installed. TIP

5. Consider Usage Patterns:

Another tip to take into consideration when you are looking for ways to use porcelain tiles is usage patterns. Ask yourself who will be walking on your floors and in what manner, how many people will be walking on them each day, will your family members also walk on them with shoes or just socks? All of these questions will tell you what kind of tile is best for your situation.

Article Updated - November 19, 2021

Read More Article:

1. Pros And Cons Of Porcelain Tiles
2. Large Porcelain Stoneware: Everything You Need To Know
3. Wooden Look Porcelain Tiles 

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